A Theater Near You

A Theater Near You Episode 48: Paint

Bob Ross was a weird guy, and this movie is even weirder

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the team watched Paint, a movie about a Bob Ross-like character that does a lot of weird stuff, and then there’s a fire. Enjoy!       

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A Theater Near You Episode 47: Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls

It's exactly as weird as you think

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the team watched Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls, an intensely bizarre movie that might be… brilliant?      

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Ep.46 – A Theater Near You Episode 46: The Naked Gun

It's Enrico Palazzo!

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the team watched The Naked Gun, a 1988 Leslie Neilsen classic comedy that still brings the laughs today.       

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Ep.45 – A Theater Near You Episode 45: Modern Problems

Well, if you liked Zapped, you might like this one…

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the team watched Modern Problems, a 1981 Chevy Chase vehicle that’s so utterly miserable it’s almost hard to believe it’s real.       

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Ep.44 – A Theater Near You Episode 44: Look Who's Talking

Boy, things sure were different in the 80s

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the team watched Look Who’s Talking, a movie about a talking baby with telepathy? Maybe? It’s got some pretty wild visual effects, John Travolta dancing, Kristie Alley enjoying accounting, and more! What’s not to love?       

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Ep.43 – The Karate Kid Marathon

You're the Best....AROUND!

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the team gathered together to watch all of the Karate Kid movies in s single sitting. But as the movies dropped off in quality with each iteration, were they able to maintain their sanity? Just how bad is The Next Karate Kid? Does the 2010 reboot have anything to offer? What does watching the entirety of the Karate Kid animated series do to the human mind? Find out now!       

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Ep.42 – The Jacket

The Canned Sardines of Movies

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the guys watched The Jacket, an intensely bizarre thriller about a man who time travels in a box. It’s simultaneously better and worse that that sounds. But was the movie any good? Let’s find out. Useful Links

Ep.41 – The Impostors

Is that a drunken Doctor Octopus?

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the guys checked out The Impostors, an often overlooked Stanley Tucci/Oliver Platt comedy about two out of work actors, some theater tickets, and an exploding cruise liner. Is it actually a hidden comedy gem, or is it overlooked for a reason? Let’s find out!     

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Ep.40 – Heathers

Well, that was murder-y

Show Notes This time in A Theater Near You, the guys checked out Heathers, a dark comedy about popularity and murder. This was a very 80s movie, but does it stand the test of time? Just how cute is Christian Slater? How much murder is too much murder? Let’s find out!      

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Ep.39 – Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Does bustin still make us feel good?

Show Notes

This time in A Theater Near You, it was Ghostbusting time again as the trio traveled to their local theater to check out Frozen Empire. Do the Ghostbusters still have it, or is it time to put this franchise on ice? Let’s find out!

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